Getting Started

Navigative is an addon for TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress that allows you to display multiple pdf files on a single page with a navigation on the sidebar. This is useful, especially when you have a few pdf files which you want to display using the iframe shortcode but don’t want to create so many pages. You can use this addon with TNC PDF viewer (Available on too.

This documentation is here to show you how you can install and use Navigative – TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress Addon.

For Detailed information and features of the Add-on, Please click here to go to CodeCanyon Plugin Page

To get started you need to Purchase this Add-on for only $25 from Codecanyon. Click Here to Purchase Navigative – TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress Addon
If you’ve already purchased the plugin, you can continue to the next step.


Step 1: Download from CodeCanyon

  1. After Purchasing the plugin on CodeCanyon. Go to the Downloads page
  2. Find the Plugin on the list and click on Green Download Button
  3. Save the zip file on your computer

Step 2: Install via WordPress Admin (wp-admin)

Please follow these steps to install via wp-admin

  1. Login as administrator to wp-admin using your username and password
  2. Go to Plugins-> Add New
  3. Click on the Upload Plugin button
  4. Click on Choose File and choose the file you just downloaded from CodeCanyon
  5. Click on Install Now
  6. Click on Activate Plugin once the installation is done
  7. That’s all, and the plugin is installed on your site now!

Upload PDF and Create PDF viewer

As this is an addon of TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress you can’t upload PDFs with this. To upload PDF files and create a PDF viewer you first need to do that with TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress. Follow these steps to create your first PDF viewer and if you are already a user of TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress you can skip this step.

  1. After installing and activating TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress, Navigate to PDF viewer > Add New Menu
  2. Put a title for your PDF viewer, Keep it relevant to your PDF file as it will be used as the viewer title and while embedding using shortcodes.
  3. In the next section under PDF viewer Settings > Basic Settings Upload the PDF file you want to use
  4. Select Page Mode. The default will be fine in most cases.
    1. Default will open Default PDF viewer
    2. Thumbnails will open with displaying page thumbnails on the left side 
    3. Bookmarks will open by displaying Bookmarks on the left side
    4. Attachments will open by displaying attachments on the left side
  5. Default Zoom: You can set your preferred default zoom level for this PDF viewer on this input
  6. Default Scrolling Mode: You can set your default scrolling mode here. Vertical, horizontal, wrapped or Flip.
  7. Default Spread: Set your preferred default spread here. 
  8. Viewer Language: Select your preferred viewer language here.
  9. Jump to page: Enter a page number here if you want to open/jump to a specific page.
  10. Now, go to Toolbar Elements Tab
  11. The first option here is to Use Global options, It’s enabled by default. If you need to hide any specific toolbar elements like download, print and others, you can disable this option and a list of toolbar elements will appear to enable or disable. I am not going through all the toolbar items here as all those are self-explanatory.
  12. The next tab is the Appearance
  13. We have a use global setting option here as well. Disable the global option only if you want to have a different theme/color setting for this specific viewer. Not going through the details here as well, you’ll understand by titles easily.
  14. The next Tab is Privacy/Security
  15. You don’t have to do anything on this tab. If you purchase WP File Access Manager, you’ll be able to manage the restriction settings from Media > File Access Manager Menu.
  16. Once you’re done with all the settings, click on Publish button on the right sidebar

How to Use Navigative - TNcFlipbook Addon

Navigative – TNcFlipbook Addon is a brilliant solution for you if you have quite a lot of PDF files on your website but you don’t want to create that many pages. Cause if you create a PDF viewer in the general way it will create a page on your website. This Add-on will generate a link that can be used anywhere and it won’t create another page. Doesn’t matter how many PDF Files you have. So how to use this navigation Add-on?

  1. Go to PDF viewer -> Navigative.
  2. Click Upload PDF File or paste the Link of the file
  3. Then you will find a lot of toolbar options. These are options that will come up with the PDF viewer First is iframe width. Put a number with a percent sign. This will be the width of the viewer that will generate with the link
  4. Print: Show or hide
  5. Fullscreen: Show or hide
  6. iframe Height: Put a number that will be in pixel. Ex: 800 px
  7. Zoom: Show or hide
  8. Open: Show or hide
  9. Download: Show or hide
  10. Pagenav: Show or hide
  11. Find: Show or hide
  12. Share: Show or hide
  13. Page Mode: Show or hide
  14. Current view: Show or hide
  15. Logo: Show or hide
  16. Toggle menu: Show or hide
  17. Rotate: Show or hide
  18. Default Zoom: Show or hide
  19. Toggle left: Show or hide
  20. Hand Tool: Show or hide
  21. Jump to Page: Put a number. The PDF viewer will automatically go to that page.
  22. Scroll: Show or hide
  23. Document Properties: Show or hide
  24. iframe title: Put a title here.
  25. Spread: Show or hide
  26. Viewer Language: There are more than 100 languages. Choose the one you want. By default, it is set to English
  27. Default Scroll: There are 4 types of scrolling. Vertical, Horizontal, Wrapped, and Flipbook. Choose the one you like.
  28. Default Spread: It can be odd or even.
  29. After selecting all of those, click Generate Shortcode. And you will get a code. Paste that code anywhere you want and it will open the PDF viewer.

Update and Support

You’ll get all the plugin updates from CodeCanyon. You’ll see a notification in your wp-admin if there’s a new update available. And then you can download the update from the CodeCanyon downloads page.

Click Here to go to CodeCanyon Downloads Page


For any kind of technical assistance regarding Navigative – TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress Addon, please go to our HelpDesk and create a ticket. 

Click Here to Go to ThemeNcode HelpDesk

Note: Please don’t forget to include the purchase code while creating a ticket, otherwise, your ticket may not be replied to.

Refund Policy

We have a well-prepared refund policy for our products. Make sure you have read them thoroughly before proceeding with a refund application.

Our support team is always prepared to help you out. If you are having any technical issues we suggest you contact our support immediately.


Two types of licenses are available for Navigative – TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress Addon

Regular License: Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.

Extended License: Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.

Rate Us

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