Getting Started

Thank you so much for choosing QuoteX. This plugin helps you to receive custom price quote requests from your customers and you can send them a custom price quote and then collaborate over the price.

Get this plugin from CodeCanyon. Simply navigate to QuoteX – WooCommerce Request a Quote page on CodeCanyon and complete your purchase. If you’ve already purchased the plugin, you can continue to the next step.

This documentation is here to show you how you can install and use QuoteX Easily and Efficiently.

For Detailed information and features of the Plugin, Please click here to go to the QuoteX landing page on ThemeNcode.


Step 1: Download From CodeCanyon

  1. After Purchasing the plugin on CodeCanyon. Go to the Downloads page
  2. Find the Plugin on the list and click on Green Download Button
  3. Save the zip file on your computer

Step 2: Install via WordPress Admin (wp-admin)

Please follow these steps to install via wp-admin

  1. Login as administrator to wp-admin using your username and password
  2. Go to Plugins-> Add New
  3. Click on the Upload Plugin button
  4. Click on Choose File and choose the file you just downloaded from CodeCanyon
  5. Click on Install Now
  6. Click on Activate Plugin once the installation is done
  7. That’s all, and the plugin is installed on your site now!

Setting Up QuoteX

Display Settings

After installing and activating QuoteX successfully you need to set it up.

Got to Quotes -> Settings

Then click ‘Display Setting’

On the Request a Quote Button you need to enable the ‘Request a Quote’ Button. You can show this on all products, selected categories, or individual products

The next option is ‘Exclude Products’. Put the name of the product that you want to exclude.

If you want to hide the ‘Add to Cart’ button enable the option from the ‘Hide Add to Cart Button’. You can hide this from all products, selected categories, or individual products. You can exclude specific products here too.

Next, you can do the same with the Price in the ‘Hide Price’ section. You can hide the rice from all products, selected categories, or individual products.

Misc. Settings

  1. Request a Quote Button Text: Change the name of the button to anything you want. It is set to ‘Request a Quote’ by default.
  2. Require Login to Request Quote?: Here you can choose whether the user must log in or not for requesting quotes.
  3. Quoted Price Expires After: Set an expiration period for the quoted price.
  4. Currency: There is every possible currency. By default, it is set to US Dollars.


  1. Select Basket Page: Select the page that you want to use as your quote basket. It is separated from the cart. One page is already created for you just set it to ‘Basket’
  2. Select Requests Page: Select the page that you want as your Quote request page. Here users can see the quote requests. One page is already created for you just set it to ‘Quote Request’

Email Settings

Email Sender Settings:

  1. Logo: Put the logo that will show up on emails
  2. Email From Name: This is the name from which the email will come
  3. Email Sender Email: Emails will come from this address.

Admin Email Settings

  1. Admin Email: This email will be used for sending admin notification

Enable/Disable Certain Emails

You can enable or disable the below options:

  1. Admin Email on Quote Request
  2. Admin Email on Quote Comment
  3. Admin Email on Quote Accept
  4. Admin Email on Quote Reject
  5. Customer Email on Quote Request
  6. Customer Email on Quote Comment

Email Content

Admin Notification Email on Quote Request

Subject: Subject for Admin Email on Quote Request. Two shortcodes available

  1. %name%
  2. %id%

Heading: Heading for Admin Email on Quote Request. Two shortcodes available

  1. %name%
  2. %id%

Content: Content for Admin Email on Quote Request. Three Shortcodes available

  1. %name%
  2. %phone%
  3. %message%

You can do the same setting for the below options also:

  1. Admin Notification Email on Quote Comment
  2. Admin Notification Email on Quote Accept
  3. Admin Notification Email on Quote Reject
  4. Customer Notification Email on Quote Request
  5. Customer Notification Email on Quote Comment
  6. Customer Notification Email on Quote Update

Receive and Process Quotes

When a customer clicks the Request a Quote button the product is added to Quote Basket. This is just like the Cart option. Then when they visit the basket page they get a form with their Name, Email, Phone, and Message. After filling in all of this information they send the request.

You will get this request in ‘All Quotes’. When you click on a requested quote, you will see three options.

  1. Status
  2. Customer Data
  3. Products
  1. Status: You can make the status pending, active, accepted, rejected, or canceled.
  2. Customer Data: Here you will get the customer’s name, phone, email, and message that was sent in the form.
  3. Products: There are several files in this option. Product name, variation, variation option, quantity, and unit price. Put the price by which you want to sell the product.

There are some options in the right sidebar as well. You can enable the ‘Send Email to Customer’ button then the customer will be notified through email. Also, you can put some messages in the additional comment field.

After that, click update and the status will be changed to ‘Active’

Customer's View

After you update the request with the price, the customer can see that on my request page. They can visit the website or go through the email that was sent by the admin. They will get three buttons.

  1. Comment: If the customer wants any further info or a change in the price they can comment using this button.
  2. Accept Offer: If they want to buy the price with your given price, they can simply click the ‘Accept Offer’ button and go to checkout then to process the order.
  3. Reject offer: If the customer doesn’t agree with the price quote sent by the admin they can reject the offer by clicking the ‘Reject Offer’ button.

Updates and Support


Just put in the purchase code that you get from CodeCanyon and you will get automatic updates.

Click here to visit the CodeCanyon product page to get the purchase code


For any kind of technical assistance regarding QuoteX, please go to our HelpDesk and create a ticket. 

Click Here to Go to ThemeNcode Support

Note: Please don’t forget to include the purchase code while creating a ticket, otherwise, your ticket may not be replied to.

Refund Policy

We have a well-prepared refund policy for our products. Make sure you have read them thoroughly before proceeding with a refund application.

Our support team is always prepared to help you out. If you are having any technical issues we suggest you contact our support immediately.


Two types of licenses are available for QuoteX.

Regular License: Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.

Extended License: Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.

Rate Us

If you are enjoying using QuoteX – WooCommerce Request a Quote, you can leave us a review. It helps us to improve the product even more. You can submit an additional feature request too.


Does it work with catalog mode? Possible to hide “Add to Cart”?
Yes, it’s possible to hide the price and add to cart. Checking the issue with Demo now, thank you for letting me know.

Does your plugin work on a WooCommerce Multi Vendor website?
Yes, the plugin works with most Multi Vendor websites and plugins used for Multi Vendor Websites. But if you are having any compatibility issues with other plugins, please contact us through the support hub.

Will the plugin auto-compile personal data when a logged-in user requests a quote?
Yes, it auto-completes basic user info when the user is logged in. Users can change obviously.

The page “My Requests” is available even for non-logged-in users?
No, My requests page is available only for logged-in users

When I buy your plugin, will it still work in ‘Local’?

It will work on local or any other server as well.

Video Tutorial