ThemeNcode Docs

Creating The First PDF viewer

Estimated reading: 2 minutes
  1. After installing and activating the TNC PDF viewer, Navigate to PDF viewer > Add New Menu
  2. Put a title for your PDF viewer, Keep it relevant to your PDF file as it will be used as the viewer title and while embedding using shortcodes.
  3. In the next section under PDF viewer Settings > Basic Settings Upload the PDF file you want to use
  4. Select Page Mode. The default will be fine in most cases.
    1. Default will open Default PDF viewer
    2. Thumbnails will open with displaying page thumbnails on the left side 
    3. Bookmarks will open by displaying Bookmarks on the left side
    4. Attachments will open by displaying attachments on the left side
  5. Default Zoom: You can set your preferred default zoom level for this PDF viewer on this input
  6. Default Scrolling Mode: You can set your default scrolling mode here. Vertical, horizontal, wrapped or Flip.
  7. Default Spread: Set your preferred default spread here. 
  8. Viewer Language: Select your preferred viewer language here.
  9. Now, go to Toolbar Elements Tab
  10. The first option is called Global options, It’s enabled only on the Premium version. Suppose you need to hide any specific toolbar elements like download, print, etc. In that case, you can disable this option and a list of toolbar elements will appear to enable or disable it. I am not going through all the toolbar items here as all those are self-explanatory.
  11. The next tab is the Appearance
  12. We have a use global setting option here as well but it only can be accessed in the Premium Version. Disable the global option only if you want to have a different theme/color setting for this specific viewer. Not going through the details here as well, you’ll understand by titles easily.
  13. The next Tab is Privacy/Security
  14. You don’t have to do anything on this tab. If you purchase WP File Access Manager, you’ll be able to manage the restriction settings from Media > File Access Manager Menu.
  15. Once you’re done with all the settings, click on Publish button on the right sidebar
  16. Now, you can share the link to this viewer with anyone.

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