ThemeNcode Docs

Global Settings

Estimated reading: 5 minutes

You can set options in the Global settings page after activating TNC FlipBook – PDF viewer for WordPress. Navigate to TNC FlipBook > Global Settings Menu to get started.

1.Automatic Display

In this section You can set options here to have all of your current .pdf links to either open or embed as a FlipBook

Automatic Display: If you want to convert all current .pdf links to open as a FlipBook, select any of the options. All links ending in .pdf will be replaced with Embedded FlipBook automatically

  • Automatic IFrame/Embed
  • Automatic Link

Automatic iFrame Width: Here you can select your preferred width of your automatic iframe

Automatic iFrame Height: Here you can select your preferred Height of your automatic iframe

2. General Settings

There are a few settings on the General Settings tab of Global Settings. Navigate to the General Settings tab.

  1. Logo: This logo will be used on the top right side of the viewer. You can control logo visibility in the toolbar setting section globally or in each viewer section as well. The recommended maximum height for this logo is 20px
  2. Favicon: This is the shortcut icon/favicon that will be used on the viewer pages.
  3. Fullscreen Link Text: When you use [pvfw-embed] shortcode or use automatic iframe options, a link on top of the viewer appears with a link to open the specific viewer on fullscreen mode. This text will be used as anchor text for that link.
  4. Return to Site Link Text: When you’re on the fullscreen view of any viewer, there’s a button appears in the bottom right corner to return to the previous page. This text will be used as anchor text for that link.
  5. Google Analytics ID: If you want to track your users using Google Analytics, you can add the analytics ID for the site in this field. This code will be used on viewer pages only.
  6. Mobile iFrame Height (Under 800px screen size): This option for customizing height of iFrame on smaller screens.
  7. iFrame Responsive Fix: This option adds a simple line of CSS on the front end to resize the iframe width based on device size.

3. Appearance Settings

  1. Disable Flip Sound: You can enable or disable Flip sound from here.
  2. Do you want to use a Theme or use custom colors? You can select your custom colour or theme from here.
  3. Select Theme: This option on the appearance page is to select whether you want to use one of the built-in themes. Here is a list of predefined themes: Aqua White, Material Blue, Midnight Calm, Smart Red, Louis Purple, Sea Green .
  4. Use Background Image: You can enable or disable background image from here
  5. Choose icon Size: You can choose your preferred icon size ( Small, Medium, Large )
  6. Select Toolbar Style: There are various type of toolbar style available like Top Full Width, Bottom Full Width, Top Center, Bottom Center. Select your preferred one.

4. Toolbar Settings

  1. Default Scroll: If you want to use Flipbook mode by default, you can choose the FLIP option on this setting. Other available settings are vertical, horizontal and wrapped scrolling.
  2. Default Spread: This setting controls the spread of pages. You can choose from No Spreads, Even Spreads and Odd Spread. 
  3. Default Zoom: You can select various zooming options like page fit, page width, page height or you can select it Automatic.
  4. FlipBook Language: There are more than 100 languages available for the viewer, you can select your preferred viewer language on this setting.
  5. Page Mode: Three types of page modes are available: Bookmarks, Thumbnails, Attachments. You can select it as per your needs.
  6. Toolbar Elements Visibility: This section lists all the toolbar elements and lets you either display or hide the specific toolbar elements globally. You can overwrite this for specific viewers as well.

5. Advanced Settings

  1. ThemeNcode PDF viewer Page: PDF viewer for WordPress creates 2 pages when activated. This setting should have ThemeNcode PDF viewer [Do not Delete] page selected here. Do not change it to any other page as it will break the viewers, especially the viewers that are created using old shortcodes or automatic options will stop working.
  2. ThemeNcode PDF viewer SC Page: PDF viewer for WordPress creates 2 pages when activated. This setting should have ThemeNcode PDF viewer SC [Do not Delete] page selected here. Do not change it to any other page as it will break the viewers, especially the viewers that are created using old shortcodes that will stop working.
  3. Context Menu/Right Click on Viewer Pages: This setting allows you to disable right clicks on viewer pages.
  4. Text Copying (ctrl+c) keyboard shortcut: This setting allows you to prevent the use of ctrl+c or cmd + c on viewer pages. If you want to protect PDF content from copying, this setting is for you.
  5. Oxygen Builder Integration:

6. Custom CSS/JS

  1. Custom CSS: You can use custom CSS code here. The CSS you provide here will be used only on viewer pages. start writing custom CSS right away.
  2. Custom JS: You can use custom JS code here. The JS you provide here will be used only on viewer pages. start writing custom JS right away. you don’t have to add any script tags. just write the javascript here.

7. Export/Import

This page allows you to import and export the settings of the Global Settings page. This is useful if you need to copy the settings to other sites.

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